Friday 27 May 2011

Promises...Fake, Are They Not?

"Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah."— Richard Bach

With all due respect to the author Sir Bach, this quote will always hold true till the last remaining breath of the last soul that lives on this planet earth.

We always make promises.. To people.. To ourselves and to God. But, hang on, when was the last time we actually fulfilled a promise made to someone? 

We make promises and then we forget about them. Life goes on, and people move on. Everything changes. Why promise in the first place when someone doesn't mean it. Why say something which would question a heart later on..?? 

Life has never promised us anything, but yes people have. They promised to be there for us. They promised to never leave us. They promised to never let us down. They promised never to change. They promised to stand by us in all our misfortunes and good times.  

...And they promised to fulfill all promises....

Are you now the same person who once promised...??
Ha! How long..just how long before we stop cheating others. Before we stop making a fool of ourselves? How long before we realize that promises were always made to be broken, they are made to console ourselves and not others. 

Tell me my reader! What satisfaction is hidden in fake promises? Why do we want to utter words which are never meant to be implemented? We hurt others and we hurt ourselves. What's the point in making all endeavors to be true to others when we can't even be true to our own self. 

Each promise made becomes an age-old myth in days to come. They are forgotten and left to be burnt within. They are left as deep dark desires of the past. Scary isn't it? 

Think carefully before you promise someone. Because someday it might happen that you are not able to meet your own eyes. Please don't give yourself a chance to repent. Don't be fake!

You can be true to yourself only when you are true to others. It's our loved ones who make us. Let's not break them. This the least we can do in our lifetime. 



  1. Absolutely wonderful.

    Promises shouldn't be made when we are happy..coz we are not happy always.

    A great write up. Have shared it with my friends. :) Cheers!

  2. Beautiful and well written! I agree with Aurindam. Lovely post :)
